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Re-union dinner will be held -

Thank you, Michelle michelle.janes@kellstrom.com

**** If you have your own website and would like to advertise it here, please send me the link and I will put it onto our blog ****

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

20Yr Re-Union held 8th December 2007

Jason, Andrew, Darren, Kerry, Robert, Mr Mark Fellows.
Karlyne, Andrew, Darren, Kerry, Robert.
Mr Frank Gallego and Ozzy.
Mr Truscott, Mr Alan Beggs and Mr David Rodd
Jackie and Miss Sinclair
Bill Algie (School Maintenance Staff)
Mr Gary Kenworthy and Mrs Alison Reifenstein
Shane and Diane
Sandra, Annette, Claudia and David
Kerry and Julie
Jason, Jackie, Kevin May.
Danka and Eddie Ersoy.
Kerry, Leah, Allan Dunn, Tonia and Brett.
Kerry, Eddie, Kevin.
Kevin King, Les.
Eddie and Rena(David Olivics Partner)
Eddie and Darren.
Jenny, Eddie, Gayna.
Rena, Darren, Ozzy.
Robert Sun, Kerryn, Melanie, Cindy, Jackie, Todd, Jason Bittle and Partner.
Kevin, Jason, Eddie.
Michelle, Gayna, Cheryl, Jenny, Marnie,Rena.
Robert, Harvey, Dizzy, Craig, Phillip Rushbrook.
Eddie, Harvey.
Marnie, Eddie.
Kerryn, Phillip, Melanie.
Dianne, Robert.
Danka, Michelle, Kerryn, Rosa.
Melinda and Hubby, Leanne.
Jackie, Tracey, Cindy, Jason, Phillip, Dizzy.
David Joliffe, Shane Job, Dianne Bowman, Allan Dunn,
Kerryn, Shane.
Cindy,Allan Dunn, Jackie.
Kerryn, Melanie.
Jason, Kerryn.
Kevin, Tom.
Cindy, David and Tom.
The Photo Wall.
Dianne, Melanie, Kerryn.
The girls.
Shane Job.
Shane Oldfield,Alison Reifenstein, Janeen Taylor and Claudia Sabogal.
Shane, Janeen and Claudia.
Tracey Richardson & Hubby.
Sharna and Tracey.
Shaylee and Vanessa.
Claudia, Janeen, Shane, Tracey and Sharna.
Karylne Rowan and Sharna.
Shane Oldfield and Sharna's friend.
Claudia and Todd Le-Grand.
Vanessa, Tracey and Raelene Dearie.
Sharna, Shane and Tracey.
Sharna and Cheryl Putland.
Shaylee, Kerry Smith, Tracey.
Julie Frost, Shaylee, Kerry, Tracey, Karlyne.
Michelle Janes and Regina Wyborn. School flags in background, missing Farrer.
Vanessa and Todd.
Claudia Sabogal.
Sharna, Claudia and Tracey.
Sandra Hickman and Annette O'Brien.
Sharna and Tracey.
Michelle and Regina doing the nutbush.
Karlyne, Sharna, Claudia, Cheryl and Marnie Hannon.
Tracey and Hubby.
Sharna's friend, Karlyne and Tracey.
Karylne and Kevin May.
Kerry and Vanessa.
Kerryn and Raelene.
Regina, Linda Englehardt, Alison Reifenstein and Debbie Rodd.
Alsion, Todd, David Rodd.
Dianne Bowman, Melanie Risk, Kerryn Woodward and Jackie Halpin.
School Flags, only missing Farrer.
Glenn Birrett, Brett Mathieu.
Julie, Karlyen, Shaylee, Sharna, Kerry, Tracey.
Karlyne and Julie.
Raelene, Sharon(Andrew's Wife) and Andrew Dearie.
Jenny Russell, Frank Gallego and Linda Englehardt.
Jackie and Derya Dil.
Alison and Shane.
Dianne, Jason Rushbrook, Melanie, Kerryn and Jackie.
Dance Floor.
Shane and Raelene.
Jenny, Michelle, Gayna.
Shane and Regina.
Andrew and Wife.
Darren Mowll, Robert Sun and wife.
Leslie Shortland.
Wayne Chesters and Partner.
Daniel Cousins and wife Kylie Richards.
Marnie Hannon.
Robert Chambers(Dizzy) and Shane Job.
Jason Rushbrook and Vanessa Daw.
Todd and Osman Toker.
Todd and Ozzy.
Brett, Annette, Andrew, Sandra.
David Lawrence and Troy Howell.
Kerry Kirkwood, Andrew, Wayne and Tom Banks.
Debbie Hurdis, Brett, Harvey Lirio and Leah Smith.
Tonia Dyer.
Darren Mowll, Andrew Hikin.
David Olivic and Jason Ozcan.
Glenn Birrett and Wife.
Sharlene Upton and Hubby.
Shaylee and Leah Smith.
Shaylee and Debbie.
Shaylee, Kerry and Vanessa.
Vanessa and Todd.
Leonie West and Melinda Morris.
Charmaine Jinette and Partners of Melinda Morris and Tonia Dyer.
Leanne Luke.
Jenny and Gayna Russell.
Kevin May and Cheryle Putland.
Regina and Michelle.
Claudia, Sharna and Friend.
Tracey and Hubby, Raelene.
Glenn Birrett and wife, Kevin King, Leah, Joanna Lee, Cindy Hubble and Melanie.
Bonnie Wilson and Sharlene.
Andrew and wife Sharon, Tom and wife Rachel, Wayne and Partner.
Troy Howell and Wife.
Jason Bittle and partner, Robert Sun, Daniel Cousins and wife.
Shane Job.
Some of the teachers(Mark Fellows,Deslie Burgdorf,Leonie West,Cheryle Sinclair, Bill Aglie and wife, Sonia Harris, Alison Reifenstein)
Michelle, Reece, Kerry, Danka, Kevin and Marnie.
Karlyne, Sandra, Annette, Shaylee, Julie, Vanessa, Claudia.
Leanne, Melinda and Hubby, Charmaine, Tonia and Hubby.


Vanessa said...

Good to see people that I managed to catch up with. Think there would be a few sore heads on Sunday, Joanna-Lee.

Janee said...

Hey, Great photos would love to have been there. There were some familiar faces, others I could not pick.
Looked like a great night, would love to see some more pics....pleeeeaaaase

Anonymous said...

Looks like I missed a great night.Everyone looks great.
Can't wait to see more photos.

Michelle said...

Looks like it was a great night. SO sorry i missed it. Would have loved to catch up with some very familiar faces there. Can't wait to see some more photo's and take another trip down memory lane.

Anonymous said...

It was a great night, sorry I did not get to catch up with all of you but would love to hear from anyone if you are interested, my email is bonzandkirbys@hotmail.com, From Bonnie Wilson.

Anonymous said...

It looks like fun was had by all, i am sorry i missed it. Vanessa said that their was mention of a 5 year reunion, that sounds great she also said that it was terrific to catch up with past friends. So i hope that the next event won't be so long. Great job girls your effort sounds like it was a huge success......

eddie said...

hey there is me eddie it was the best night i had in so long it was great seeing all my friends and teachers as well i got my space is myspace.com/turk471ers and my msn is
sedat_ersoy06@hotmail.comlets do it again i be in it all so thanks michelle & regina a job well done form eddie ersoy

Anonymous said...

Hi All, The night was a success, Michelle and Regina you both did such a fantastic job, I am so looking forward to the next one in 5 years time, i definately will not be pregnant at that one thats for sure, bub still not arrived yet will be sure to let you all know take care Melanie Risk(mrisklay@optusnet.com.au)

Julie Snookes (Frost) said...

Had a great night at the reunion. Thank you Michelle and Regina. A 5 year one sounds great.
If any one is interested in having a 20 year, Year 12 reunion in 2009 please e-mail me and we will go from there. juliesnookes@hotmail.com

Melissa Messenger said...

Hey guys ,did not even know it was on! But I am living in the middle of nowhere. I would have loved to have met up with you all again. I cannot believe how some people have changed and some are just the same.

Cannot wait for 2012, although surely some of us can arrange an abridged version in 2010?

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