Hello once again!

Since you were last here, there may have been new updates, messages or notices that may have been added. Dont forget to leave any comments at anytime or even just an email address where others can contact you. Use this site as our way to post messages....

Re-union dinner will be held -

Thank you, Michelle michelle.janes@kellstrom.com

**** If you have your own website and would like to advertise it here, please send me the link and I will put it onto our blog ****

Friday, December 14, 2007

Keeping In Touch

Hi All,

Leave your email address here if you want others to keep in touch.


Michelle Janes said...

Michelle Janes - michelle.janes@kellstrom.com

Anonymous said...

Bonnie Wilson - bonzandkirbys@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...


Todd Le-Grand said...

Hi, Merry Xmas to all. Had a great night at the reunion, it was awsome to catch up with so many of you. Thanx again to Michelle and Regina for their efforts. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,This is cheryl Judge-russell email address is chezabear@hotmail,com

Anonymous said...

Tracy Wallis was Tracy Keyte

Anonymous said...


Looking forward to 2012:)

Sharna Howarth

T said...

Theresa Clifton said ...


Bummed that I missed last year's reunion ... Looking forward to the 2012, can't wait. T

Melissa Messenger said...

Sad to have missed the last reunion.

contact me at

Michelle said...

Michelle Quirk (Hyde)